What is Virtual Psychiatry in NYC?

When looking for a virtual psychiatry in NYC, make sure to look for a practice that clearly demonstrates that patients are their number one priority.

What is Virtual Psychiatry in NYC?

Skypiatrist Virtual Psychiatry in NYC

What is Psychiatry in NYC?

For those experiencing issues with their mental health in NYC (New York City), psychiatry is the medical field where one would turn for help. Psychiatric medical doctors, (known as psychiatrists) work with patients to prevent, diagnose and treat psychological disorders using a variety of methods including, but not limited to talk therapy (psychotherapy) to prescribing and managing medicines.

What is Virtual Psychiatry in NYC?

In the way that psychiatry is a branch of medicine, virtual psychiatry is a branch of telemedicine. Telemedicine, concisely put, is a way for a person to have an appointment with a medical professional without having to physically travel to a hospital or care centre. In fact, according to the National Library of Medicine, one of the first uses of telemedicine in the late 1950’s was between the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute and the Norfolk State Hospital for the purpose of psychiatric consultations by way of a closed-circuit television link1.

Virtual Psychiatry allows NYC patients to access their psychiatrist wherever they are with tools like video-conferencing, phone calls or even by email. The best telepsychiatry services will be able to offer HIPAA-compliant video-conferencing on a wide variety of devices that have functioning cameras such as laptops, desktops, tablets and smartphones.

What is Psychiatry in NYC?

Why Virtual Psychiatry in NYC?

The beauty of virtual psychiatry is in its accessibility, making it an excellent resource for mental health help in NYC for a wide range of individuals and circumstances.

Why Virtual Psychiatry in NYC?

For example, older people, who have grown up with the negative stigma that has long been associated with mental health disorders, it is very common to find that they have a tendency to dismiss and downplay symptoms of an ongoing problem. Unfortunately, willfully ignoring what may be a diagnosable mental health issue can cause people to withdraw and isolate themselves from family and friends. However, the best help is more support, not less. This is why virtual psychiatry can be an excellent tool for older NYC patients who may not feel comfortable discussing their concerns in a more traditional office setting.

As a resource for children and teens, virtual psychiatry can play an essential part in ensuring mental wellness. Undiagnosed mental health issues can severely impact normal development and telepsychiatry can assist in preventing, monitoring and treating any issues all from the comfort of home.

For anyone else who may be experiencing symptoms, emotions and behaviours that feel too overwhelming to navigate alone, an online appointment with a psychiatrist can be a lifeline that is accessible anywhere, anytime.

What is Virtual Psychiatry in NYC?

When looking for a virtual psychiatrist practice in NYC, make sure to look for a service that clearly demonstrates that patients are their number one priority. Skypiatrist is an excellent example of this. A simple look at their website will show that each facet of the Skypiatrist practice has been designed to optimize their patient’s mental health and well-being. Skypiatrist provides a comprehensive outline of what services they offer, clear price structure, outlines of insurance coverage, and better security and privacy for patients through their direct web secure HIPAA compliant video-conferencing platform.

Virtual psychiatry in NYC is just few clicks away! Visit Skypiatrist today to see how the couch at home might be more effective for your mental health!